The Acropolis

The Acropolis is a 156m high citadel located on a rocky hill overlooking the city of Athens, Greece. It is one of the most significant and iconic historical sites in the world, representing the height of ancient Greek civilization and culture.

The Acropolis contains several structures and monuments, the most famous of which is the Parthenon, a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena. It was built between 447 and 432 BC and it measures 30 by 70 metres. It has 46 columns around the perimeter that are 10.4 metres high. It was originally home to a huge statue of Athena, but this has been lost along with most of its sculptures.

Other notable structures include the Propylaea, a monumental gateway to the Acropolis, the Erechtheion, a temple dedicated to several Greek gods and goddesses, and the Theater of Dionysus, one of the oldest theaters in the world. The Acropolis has been the site of numerous significant historical events over the centuries, and its monuments and structures have been the subject of much study and admiration. Today, the Acropolis is a popular tourist destination and remains a symbol of the rich cultural heritage of Greece and the ancient world.

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Recommended Book

The Parthenon and the Acropolis by Lynn Curlee

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