Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1451. He was a visionary explorer who believed that he could find a new route to Asia by sailing west across the vast Atlantic Ocean. With unwavering determination, Columbus sought support from Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain, who sponsored his voyage.

In 1492, Columbus set sail with his crew on three small ships—the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Niña. After a long and challenging journey, they made landfall in the Caribbean, believing they had reached the eastern shores of Asia. Little did Columbus know that he had stumbled upon an entirely new continent—what we now know as the Americas!

Columbus’s voyages opened up a new era of exploration and had a profound impact on world history. They paved the way for future explorers to discover new lands, trade routes, and cultures. Columbus’s expeditions ignited a period of exploration and colonization, forever changing the world’s geography and the course of human civilization.

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